Echarts 吉林地图 自定义背景 轮询切换
<div class="homebody2xcenters">
<div class="homebody2xcenter">
<div class="homebody2xcenterbottom">
<div class="jilinx" v-if="popshow" :style="{left:left+150+'px',top:top-350+'px'}">
<h3>{{ address }}</h3>
<div class="qzs">
<div class="qzs2">
<p class="numxqz">2,123</p>
<div class="qzs2">
<p class="numxqz2">2,245</p>
<div class="qzsx">
<div class="qzslist">
<div class="qzsitem">小区</div>
<div class="qzsitem">确诊</div>
<div class="qzsitem">治愈</div>
<div class="qzslist2">
<div class="qzsitem">保利小区</div>
<div class="qzsitem">16</div>
<div class="qzsitem">2</div>
<div class="qzslist2">
<div class="qzsitem">保利小区</div>
<div class="qzsitem">16</div>
<div class="qzsitem">2</div>
<div class="linex" v-if="popshow" :style="{left:left+100+'px',top:top-90+'px'}"></div>
<div class="guangquan" v-if="popshow" :style="{left:left+92+'px',top:top-70+'px'}">
<div class="lingxing"></div>
<div class="guangquan1"></div>
<div class="echartmap1">
<div class="echartmap2" id="echartmap" ref="echartmap">
import jilin from './map.json'
import $ from 'jquery'
import sanjiao from './images/icon_sanjiao.png'
export default {
name: 'echarts1',
components: {},
props: {
id: {
type: String,
default() {
return ''
data() {
return {
status: '',
xdata: [],
ydata: [],
address: '',
show1: false,
popshow: false,
show2: false,
show4: false,
show3: false,
numberlist: [34, 15, 11, 10],
watch: {
popshow() {
mounted() {
methods: {
getswitch(myChart) {
var that = this;
var seriesModel = myChart.getModel().getSeriesByIndex(0)
var coordSys = seriesModel.coordinateSystem;
var width = $('.homebody2xcenterbottom').width()
var height = $('.homebody2xcenterbottom').height()
let datas = [
[0.08, 0.28],//白城
[0.305, 0.43],//松原
[0.213, 0.361],//松原
[0.415, 0.51],//吉林
[0.455, 0.74],//白山
[0.345, 0.76],//通化
[0.28, 0.64],//辽源
[0.21, 0.54],//四平
[0.66, 0.58],//延边
// [124.827743, 45.138656],//松原
// [125.341817, 43.812171],//长春
// [124.366544, 43.166735],//四平
// [126.558221, 43.836284],//吉林
// [125.15531, 42.887925],//辽源
// [125.948047, 41.72714],//通化
// [126.476484, 41.926106],//白山
// [129.478809, 42.907925],//白山
// {left: 124.823608, top: 45.118243, title: '松原'},
// {left: 125.341817, top: 43.812171, title: '长春'},
// {left: 126.558221, top: 43.836284, title: '吉林'},
// {left: 129.478809, top: 42.907925, title: '延边'},
// {left: 124.366544, top: 43.166735, title: '四平'},
// {left: 125.15531, top: 42.887925, title: '辽源'},
// {left: 125.948047, top: 41.72714, title: '通化'},
// {left: 126.476484, top: 41.926106, title: '白山'},
that.timemap = window.setInterval(() => {
if (that.activex2 < datas.length - 1) {
that.activex2 = that.activex2 + 1;
} else {
that.activex2 = 0;
that.popshow = false
that.$nextTick(() => {
that.popshow = true
var point = coordSys.dataToPoint(datas[that.activex2]);
console.log(width * datas[that.activex2][0])
that.left = width * datas[that.activex2][0]; = height * datas[that.activex2][1];
let data = myChart.convertFromPixel('geo', [that.left,])
that.getPositionByLonLats(data[0], data[1])
}, 4000)
getPositionByLonLats(lng, lat) {
var that = this;
var lnglatXY = [lng, lat];// 地图上所标点的坐标
AMap.service('AMap.Geocoder', function () {// 回调函数
var geocoder = new AMap.Geocoder({});
geocoder.getAddress(lnglatXY, function (status, result) {
if (status === 'complete' && === 'OK') {
var address = result.regeocode.formattedAddress;
// 获取城市名称
that.address = address
} else {
drawLine() {
var that = this
window.addEventListener('resize', this.drawLine)
var myChart = this.$echarts.init(this.$refs.echartmap)
this.$echarts.registerMap('js', jilin)
var center = {
"白城": [122.68664, 45.397315],
"松原": [124.827743, 45.138656],
"长春": [125.341817, 43.812171],
"四平": [124.366544, 43.166735],
"吉林": [126.558221, 43.836284],
"辽源": [125.15531, 42.887925],
"通化": [125.948047, 41.72714],
"白山": [126.476484, 41.926106],
"延边": [129.478809, 42.907925],
var option = {
geo: [{
map: 'js',
aspectScale: 0.7525,
roam: false, //是否允许缩放
zoom: 1.3, //默认显示级别
itemStyle: {
normal: {
areaColor: 'rgba(142, 204, 174, 0)'
emphasis: {
areaColor: 'rgba(142, 204, 174, 0)'
series: [{
type: 'map',
mapType: 'js',
geoIndex: -1,
zoom: 1.4, //默认显示级别
label: {
normal: {
show: true,
formatter(params) {
return `{name|${}}\n{pic|}`;
position: 'top',
rich: {
name: {
color: '#fff',
align: 'center',
fontSize: 10,
padding: [1, 4, 1, 4],
backgroundColor: 'rgba(75, 152, 150, 1)'
pic: {
color: '#fff',
align: 'center',
width: 9,
height: 6,
lineHeight: 22,
backgroundColor: {
image: sanjiao
emphasis: {
show: false,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
borderColor: 'rgba(142, 204, 174, 0)',
borderWidth: 1,
areaColor: 'rgba(13, 87, 55, 0)'
emphasis: {
areaColor: 'rgba(13, 87, 55, 0)',
borderWidth: 0,
color: 'green'
data: Object.keys(center).map(name => {
return {
name: name,
value: Math.random() * 100
// 点击弹窗
myChart.on('click', function (params) {
console.log(params.event.offsetX, params.event.offsetY)
that.left = params.event.event.offsetX; = params.event.event.offsetY;
that.popshow = false
that.$nextTick(() => {
that.popshow = true
let data = myChart.convertFromPixel('geo', [params.event.offsetX, params.event.offsetY])
// 根据坐标获取数据
that.getPositionByLonLats(data[0], data[1])
// 自动轮训
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50% {
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100% {
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